Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bobby Altman

After seeing three of Altman's movies, I really enjoyed The Player the most. I thought he did a great job again of character development and showing us right of the bat how the main characters were going to act and what we should expect out of them throughout the movie. A lot of the camera movements in this film reminded me of what I had previously seen when we watched The Last Goodbye. He used a lot of long (time not distance) shots that would track all the way from one area on the screen to a completely different area. By doing this the movie seemed to have more of a natural flow to it and I really enjoyed this aspect of his work. Another trait that I noticed after watching Nashville and The Player is Altman's use of overlapping dialogue. This is something that we read about in the packet about him and I noticed it quite a bit of during Nashville. After seeing these two movies I can say that I do appreciate his work and have enjoyed watching two of the three, but probably won't pursue watching to many more of his movies just because Nashville made me angry.


AJ R said...

Rachko, great write up, the player was my favorite film as well and I agree with most of your points but not all. keep up the good writting

nick said...

Rachko, the movie is titled the Long Goodbye. Thanks to your blog i just wasted ten minutes looking on for info about the actors in that movie.

nick said...

Good blog Rachko, there isn't much to write about this guy. He produced three average to boring to enraging movies.