Sunday, December 2, 2007

Fact Vs. Memory (Memento)

One theme that Lenny told people about during this movie was that memory isn't as good as facts and that memory gets forgotten and distorted but facts are always clear and stay the same. At first thought I would have agreed with what he said about memory vs. facts, but after watching the movie I completely disagree with him. In a way, especially for Lenny, facts can get even more distorted then memory could. Obviously if he didn't have the memory condition he hopefully wouldn't have killed Teddy and been tricked by Natalie so many times. He felt that the facts where better because they don't change, but he never considered what could happen if facts were un-true or changed to trick someone. This would seem to show that at least for Lenny, a memory would have been much more reliable than the facts that he had tattooed onto his arm.

When I first heard him say this in the movie I agreed with him because his argument made sense, Facts don't change but memory does. After seeing the movie though I would say that even in real life we need to use our memory of things more than we do facts. If people relied only facts and didn't consider what emotional and phycological effects that a certain event had on someone, then we would all be living really bad lives. I think that this can be said for Lenny in the movie because I would not say that his life seemed like it would be remotely enjoyable to live in. Overall I thought that this was a really great movie that made me think a lot "outside the box" and that the theme that Lenny presents about facts being better then memory is a really interesting concept to think about.

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